What is Sila Atlantik?
Sila Atlantik will meet 5% of Germany’s total electricity demand – the equivalent of 13% of its industry demand, or 8 million homes – within a decade. This electricity will be generated in Morocco, strategically supporting the nation’s wider plans for green industrial development.
The Project will see the development of a hybrid facility (with up to 15GW of combined solar and wind power generation, and around 10GWh battery storage) in Morocco, separate to the Morocco – UK Power Project facility.
Electricity will be transported directly to Germany in real time via two dedicated HVDC cable bipoles, buried under the seabed on a 4,800km route.
The Project will unlock billions in economic benefit for Morocco, Germany and the EU.
How is Sila Atlantik related to Xlinks?
Sila Atlantik was born out of a partnership between Xlinks and con|energy ag, the major German energy start-up investor.
The Project will build upon and utilise the expertise of the Xlinks team, who will continue to provide engineering and PMO services.
It is spearheaded by a separate leadership team made up of highly experienced energy veterans from Germany, with strong international backgrounds and networks.

Generation site will unlock billions in economic and social value for Morocco. It will also provide a highly complementary energy profile - solar and wind, backed by battery storage - for Germany.

~4,800 km buried HVDC subsea cable between generation and connection sites for a source of renewable energy, connecting two continents.

3.6GW to Germany, providing firm and reliable energy to meet 5% of total electricity demand.

Why Morocco?
Sila Atlantik further extends the bilateral relationship between the two focal countries.
Germany is already one of Morocco’s largest development partners and its eighth largest trading partner (as of 2023).
The Project helps to realise the objectives of the German-Morocco Energy Partnership (PAREMA), established to support the energy transition and Morocco’s renewable energy strategy, along with the climate and energy alliance announced in 2024.
Building on this long-standing relationship, Sila Atlantik will bring substantial economic benefits to Morocco, which is fast emerging as a global green hub for renewable power generation, and a global leader in climate performance.
It will unlock economic and social value through industrial development and local sourcing, while supporting other social and logistical infrastructure within local communities.
The Project will also bring tens of thousands of jobs – a mixture of direct, indirect and induced.

Why Germany?
Sila Atlantik will supply Germany with 26TWh of green electricity from a dedicated wind, solar and battery site in Morocco, via HVDC cable bipoles that have a total installed feed capacity of 3.6GW. Within a decade, this transformational level of clean power will be flowing directly into the German transmission grid for more than 20 hours per day, all year round.
This is enough to meet 5% of the nation’s total electricity demand, 13% of its industrial electricity needs, or 8 million homes.
The Project strategically complements Germany’s mission to completely decarbonise its power system by 2035.
The uncorrelated weather between the two nations means Sila Atlantik will complement existing and future clean power projects in Germany and the wider continent, firming up supply.
Solar and wind patterns in Morocco are different to those of northern Europe. Morocco has twice the solar intensity of Germany, and its shortest winter day still offers around 10 hours of sunlight.
Morocco also has strong, consistent convection winds, unlike Germany, which experiences Dunkelflaute – periods of time when there is little to no wind and sunlight, making it difficult to generate energy from renewable sources.
For more information on Sila Atlantik, its progress, leadership team, and benefits to Europe, please visit www.sila-altantik.com.